Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why demographics are important...

Steyn makes a very good point, as he usually does. There are a number of reasons why having children is important, only some of them are population growth. Without new people to replace you, and to add to the population, your economy CANNOT grow. The only way you can pay for Euro-style social spending is to have someone to tax. No children, no productive immigration, no new taxes, which means increased public debt, increased tax burden on the remaining working populace, and ever-increasing burdens on an already over-burdened system.

All this is econ 101, and a basic knowledge of demographics. Funny that the leadership in these countries never studied...

The lefts continuing defense of traitors laid bare

Izzy Stone was a lefty journalist that was accused of being a paid operative of the Soviet Union. Many on the Left screamed and cried about this, how unfair it was, that his accusers were evil men. Turns out, they were all wrong, and I.F. Stone was a traitor...

How does this have anything to do with today? The Left for years defended with all their might ACTUAL TRAITORS to their country, and today, are calling people on the Right traitors for merely disagreeing with them, and working against them. Seems the Left in this country doesn't know the actual definition of treason...

Anyone who aided, supported, or actually spied for the Soviets should have been expelled or executed, anyone who supported or defended them should have been imprisoned, or whipped from the public square, never to show their face again. The USSR was EVIL, and anyone who helped, supported or even sympathized with it are evil as well. Which makes the founders of the modern Progressive movement evil. Who knew?

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

One chart to rule them all...

I found a chart which shuts the mouths of any semi-rational defender of Obama when it is shown to them. Most, when confronted with the defecits that all Obama's new spending will cause, say something like; "Well Bush ran terrible defecits too. Obama's just cleaning up the mess he made." True, Bush ran defecits, spending WAY too much money on things he should not have. But the problem is NOT the defecits, it's the amount.

Remember, all those who voted this man into the Presidency, and this Congress into office. YOU VOTED FOR THIS. Whether or not you thought you were getting this, no matter that you ignored the warnings NOT to vote for a complete cipher, you went ahead and voted this for yourselves, your children, and you grandchildren. And not only yours, but mine and every other citizens as well, those who told you this was a bad idea. We are ALL now going to be burdened with MASSIVE government debt for decades down the line.
But remember, you wanted this, so YOU own it...

What Obama is made of...

I haven't posted or commented here for a while, for good reason. I was determined after the election to give our new President at least a few months to prove himself, to see whether or not he was better than I feared, or worse.

Well, I think so far he has proven himself as bad as I thought he would be. From pathetic fumblings with appointees, to absurd protocol miscues when dealing with our best allies, to his almost maniacal desire to have people who have hated us for years fall in love with us, to his bowing before a monarch, to his back door attempt at nationalization of private companies, to his ham-handed attempts to take credit for the SEALS take down of the Somali Pirate hostage situation, he has proved just one thing.


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