Class or classless?
Darleen, over at the Protein Wisdom Pub, links to an article about the REAL issue in this Presidential race, and guess what? It's NOT race!
This is something I've been saying to most of the people I know, that McCain, and ESPECIALLY Sarah Palin, are not of the class that our "betters" like, or would allow to be elected. Even the Conservative Punditry, who basically live amongst their Liberal and Far-Left counterparts, are wary of "Flyover Country". They might want our votes, but THEY DON'T WANT US! To them, and all of the lefty Brie and White Whine crowd they hang out with, we are barely human, and the Conservapundits only have time for us when they are USING us to make some point against their liberal friends.
In other words, most of the establishment conservapundits are as bad for us as their Liberal buddies, and class WILL stick to its own, whether they agree on the finer points of ideology or not. Time to kick the class haters to the curb...
And remember; I AM JOE!
This is something I've been saying to most of the people I know, that McCain, and ESPECIALLY Sarah Palin, are not of the class that our "betters" like, or would allow to be elected. Even the Conservative Punditry, who basically live amongst their Liberal and Far-Left counterparts, are wary of "Flyover Country". They might want our votes, but THEY DON'T WANT US! To them, and all of the lefty Brie and White Whine crowd they hang out with, we are barely human, and the Conservapundits only have time for us when they are USING us to make some point against their liberal friends.
In other words, most of the establishment conservapundits are as bad for us as their Liberal buddies, and class WILL stick to its own, whether they agree on the finer points of ideology or not. Time to kick the class haters to the curb...
And remember; I AM JOE!